| February 2nd, 2025Sun Feb 2 05:05:13 2025 (*097dfbf6*)::
# This python program estimates the daily USD price of bitcoin using only # your bitcoin Core full node. It will work even while you are disconnected # from the internet because it only reads blocks from your machine. It does not # save files, write cookies, or access any wallet information. It only reads # blocks, analyzes output patterns, and estimates a daily average a USD # price of bitcoin. The call to your node is the standard "bitcoin-cli". The # date and price ranges expected to work for this version are from 2020-7-26 # and from $10,000 to $100,000
(*097dfbf6*):: it’s broken (*097dfbf6*):: i could have sworn it used to say it would work until $250k (*097dfbf6*):: +public!